For Emergencies or Sick Calls contact Father Heimer (219) 369-1210
Please contact Fr. Heimer if you would like to schedule a time to go to confession at the church or if you have questions about any other sacraments. Fr. Heimer’s number is (219) 369-1210. Parents of those preparing for First Communion should contact Hollie Cook ( with any questions regarding those arrangements.
That said, those who would like to start attending Mass again will have the opportunity. In the interest of public health, there are several limitations which Bishop McClory has outlined:
We also must maintain social distancing at Mass, which means we will be limited to using every other pew. At St. John Kanty, we will be limited to the following arrangement per pew:
For weekend Masses we are limited as to the number of people who can be present; therefore, we must know in advance the number of people who wish to attend. If you would like to attend a Saturday afternoon (4:00PM) or Sunday morning Mass (9:30AM), please email Pete Cook at to let us know: (1) which Mass you would like to attend, and (2) how many people would be attending. (Please note that walk-ins will not be allowed to attend weekend Masses due to limited seating capacity.)
Kindly email Pete Cook at to let us know your preferences as soon as possible. For parishioners for whom we do not have email addresses, we will be making phone calls to review this information and take their Mass attendance requests. Please know it will take a bit of time to complete this. Your patience is appreciated.
We do not anticipate a large number of people attending weekday Masses; therefore, we will not need advance notice for you to attend. The same protocol listed above must be observed for both weekday and weekend Masses. Weekday Masses at St. John Kanty will be on Tuesday and Thursday at 8:30 AM.
Please keep in mind that we are anxious to welcome you back to church again if you choose to attend. Remember though it is your decision to return at this time only if you are comfortable attending. The Bishop has, as indicated above, dispensed all Catholics form the obligation of Mass attendance until at least August 15, 2020.
Saturday & Sunday, May 30 and 31 for weekend Masses
Tuesday, June 2 for weekday Masses
The live-streaming of Masses will also continue for the foreseeable future on our parish website ( and on Facebook (St. John Kanty Roman Catholic Church).
Thank you again and we look forward to seeing you soon at St. John Kanty!
Physical Address
7012 N 600 E
Rolling Prairie, IN 46371
Mailing Address
7732 E State Road 4
Walkerton, IN 46574